We're now more than 500km north of the Tropic of Capricorn, and while Mt Isa is still fairly dry, it gets enough rain in the northern wet season to fill up the local dam, so the locals don't seem to think twice about using sprinklers on their lawn or washing their cars. As a consequence it is much greener here than we have seen for a while, and the caravan park is well grassed.
Not unexpectedly, most of the tourist things to do in town revolve around mining. We spent a couple of hours at the history display at the tourist information centre, and about 10 minutes walking around the rather dull 'outback garden' attached. Because of issues with insurance, the mine no longer runs underground tours, but the
We were underground for nearly 2 hours, then all piled back into the cage (elevator) for the trip back to the surface. We got no more than a metre off the ground when we abruptly lost power and the cage shuddered to a halt. Luckily it wasn't a full tour, there were 11 of us packed in and as you can see from the photo it isn't a very big space. At first we thought the guide was playing a game, but it quickly became obvious that we really were stranded. It also became obvious fairly quickly that the guide didn't have a clue how to get us going again. After about 10 minutes the guide contacted someone above ground for instructions, and eventually when we still weren't going anywhere the other person said they would come down. John isn't very good in confined spaces and by this time he was looking fairly green. The guide opened the hatch in the ceiling and we all peered up at the open air 20 metres above, until the other person appeared on the ground in front of the cage. More instructions followed, culminating in the guide using the 'hand brake' to gently lower us back down to ground level, and us all getting out and walking up the emergency exit path out. Quite an exciting finish to the tour!
When we first arrived in Mt Isa we were told at the information centre that the above ground
Amongst all the mining attractions we also visited a couple of other Mt Isa sights. Winton doesn't have a monopoly on fossils, there has been a rich find of megafauna fossils at Riversleigh, about 270 km north of Mt Isa. Rather than going all the way out there to look at the hole in the ground where the fossils used to be, we visited the very interesting display which had videos and dioramas as well as some of the actual fossils, and recreations of the original animals.
We also went to the underground hospital, which was built in the second world war
in case the Japanese bombed Mt Isa. The war never came that far south and the tunnels were never used, except apparently for night shift nurses who used them as a cool place to nap in the searing summer heat.
Finally we had a couple of games of golf, on a course that was surprisingly green and well grassed.
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