The trials and tribulations of Wendy and John on their Grey Nomad adventure around Australia.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Australian War Memorial

We've spent nearly 2 full days at the Australian War Memorial, and even then we probably missed at least half of what there is to see. It is the most amazing place, with displays ranging from vast quantities of memorabilia, to interactive displays, videos, photos, paintings, dioramas, sound and light shows ...... probably every form of display available to the modern curator, and possibly several more that no one else has thought of. It covers every conflict that Australians have been involved in, from pre Boer War before we were even an independent nation through both World Wars to the latest peace keeping missions.
The heart of the memorial contains the galleries with panels recording the name of every Australian who has died in conflict, surrounding the memorial pool and eternal flame, and leading to the shrine building holding the tomb of the unknown soldier. It is all incredibly affecting, and at the close of each day when the last post is played it would be a hard heart indeed who didn't reflect on the heroism of the countless soldiers commemorated here and the glory and futility of war.

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We set off on the grey nomad adventure on 17 March 2009. This blog shows photos and comments of our adventures.

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